How to Add a WPChimp Form to Your Site

WPChimp is a WordPress plugin that you can use to create signup forms for MailChimp.

If you do not have the plugin installed, you can get it from here and you can follow this tutorial to install it.

Create a WPChimp signup form

To create a signup form, go to your WordPress admin panel, and from the side menu, choose WPChimp – Forms.

Click the “Add New” button near the top of the Forms page and a dropdown will open. Fill in the form name (you can choose any name you want), choose your MailChimp list and click the “Add” button.

You will be taken to the form editor so you can edit your new form.

On the edit page, you can choose what fields are active, reorder fields to your liking and choose different settings for the form’s appearence, like style and color scheme.

Add a WPChimp widget to your sidebar

Once you have your form configured the way you want, save your changes and go to the Appearence – Widgets section of the administration panel.

Add the “WPChimp Form” widget to one of the sidebars, write a nice description (it will show up above the form) and choose your form.

Add the form to a post with a short code

On the form list page (the WPChimp – Forms section) you will see a column named “Shortcode”. From that column you can copy your form’s shortcode.

Edit the post that you want to contain the form and insert the previously copied shortcode at the place where you want the form to show up.

All you need to do next is publis the post and you will get a nice form where you inserted the shortcode.

Note that this also works on pages.

For example, to insert a form into this post, we would need to add its shortcode:

[wpchimp form="Green Form"]

Once published, our green form looks like this:

That’s it! You can now start collecting email subscribers. Happy blogging and good luck!

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